By Nathan Graham
As we draw near the end of 2021, spending the last two years battling the worldwide pandemic caused by COVID – 19, it is time to reflect, not on the economic impact or lockdown levels, rather I feel it is time to reflect on those who have been impacted by COVID on a deeper personal level.
At CW Physios, our team has been fighting this pandemic with your loved ones and close friends to help them recover from this debilitating virus. Each and every day we saw their tears, heard their fears, and celebrated when they finally got to go home to those they love the most. For us, this was our greatest reward in this battle.
Alas, despite this great reward, it isn’t only those we save that we remember. We remember those that we’ve lost after having fought so hard to get home but never did.
We, at CW Physios, can only try to understand a fraction of the anxiety, panic and pure grief that you have gone through with your loss. We lost them too.
We were there for their last breaths. We played your families final voice note goodbyes. We watched as you, the loved ones on the video chats, tried fake a smile and send good wishes. We felt your hurt and we felt it deeply.
In saying this, this is not about us and how we have processed this global pandemic. These words are written as a remembrance for those who have fallen and to offer, at least in some small part, a sense of comfort and peace to those who now have to carry on.
It’s been difficult for us to process on so many levels. The constant unknown of what may be to come. We can get through this together.
To those brave souls who survived this virus, who’s loved ones witnessed their pain and suffering, guess what you made it out. Perhaps with a new profound lease on life and the gratitude for every day that is yours, or perhaps angry and sad. In the end as long as you process these feelings and acknowledge them. You are not alone and together we fight this with every last bit of hope to put an end to this.
I leave you with a quote that kept me going: “The night is darkest just before the dawn and the dawn is coming”.